2023年2月27日17:00~18:00,由中国人工智能学会、星闪国际学术委员会主办,CAAI会员服务工委会承办的星闪国际学术沙龙将在线举办。本次活动将邀请西班牙加泰罗尼亚理工大学(UPC)计算机架构系N3Cat小组杰出研究员Sergi Abadal担任主讲嘉宾,围绕“Accelerating Computing with Wireless Networks inside Computing Packages(使用无线网络加速计算)”带来精彩报告。






Sergi Abadal

Sergi Abadal received the PhD in Computer Architecture from the Department of Computer Architecture, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona, Spain, in July 2016. Previously, he had obtained the M.Sc. in Information and Communication Technologies (MINT) and the B.Sc. in Telecommunication Engineering from the Telecommunication Engineering School (Telecom BCN), UPC, Barcelona, Spain, in 2011 and 2010, respectively. Currently, he works as a distinguished researcher at the N3Cat group, at the Computer Architecture Department of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). He is the recipient of a Starting Grant, called WINC, from the European Research Council (ERC) and also the project coordinator of WIPLASH H2020 FET-OPEN project, while in the past he participated in several other national and EU projects. He is also Area Editor of the Nano Communication Networks (Elsevier) Journal, where he was selected Editor of the Year 2019. From 2020, he acts as one of the ambassadors of the European Innovation Council (EIC) through its program of National Champions. His current research interests are in the areas of chip-scale wireless communications, including channel modeling and protocol design, and the application of these techniques for the creation of novel architectures for next-generation computing systems in the classical and quantum domains. 


Accelerating Computing with Wireless Networks inside Computing Packages

Computing systems are ubiquitous in our daily life and have transformed the way we learn, work, or communicate with each other, to the point that progress is intimately tied to the improvements brought by new generations of the processors that lie at the heart of these systems. A common trait of current computing systems is that their internal data communication has become a fundamental bottleneck and, as the death of Moore's Law forces academia and industry to find new ways to build faster processors, the constant increase in the volume and variability of communications within computing systems renders traditional interconnect solutions insufficient. In this context, our group in Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) has envisioned that the use wireless ultra-short range communication technology could eliminate current bottlenecks and revolutionize the field of computer architecture for the next decades. In this talk, we will present the concept of wireless networks at the chip scale and within computing packages, describing their enabling technologies towards the terahertz band, their pros and cons with respect to existing interconnects, and their unique differences with respect to more conventional wireless networks. We will finally introduce our contributions in the design of such wireless networks, from channel modeling to protocol design, as well as the impact that such wireless technology can have at the computer architecture level to accelerate general-purpose, AI-specific processors, and who knows, also quantum computers.


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